Maths Homework Booklet
At The Carlton Academy we believe that completion of meaningful homework is vital to the success of our students. GCSE courses have changed, moving away from coursework, controlled assessments and modular exams, and placing a greater emphasis on exams taken at the end of the course. In light of these changes, it is vital that we support our students to become independent learners, starting in Year 7.
maths homework booklet
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The research into homework and how students learn effectively shows that short frequent knowledge-learning tasks, with an emphasis on self-quizzing will yield the greatest success for our students. Completing this vital preparatory work at home allows more time in lesson to be spent applying knowledge and in creative learning activities.
Each student will receive a homework booklet containing pages that summarise the background knowledge needed in the subjects that students will be studying during that half term. We will be referring to these pages as knowledge organisers. In the front of the booklet there is a list of tasks that students can select from to help them learn and then self-quiz on the information in the knowledge organiser.
Students in Years 9 to 11 are expected to do at least one hour of homework per night (on average) and this will increase as they work through any coursework or exam preparation. In Years 12 and 13, we anticipate the level of homework and private study to be around 5 hours per subject per week and students are given study periods during the school day to undertake some of this work as well as being expected to work at home. Students who do not complete homework are usually issued with a detention from their class teacher and are expected to complete the homework in that time.
The blank coordinate planes on this page include variations with labels on either the axis or the edge of the grid, as well as versions with quadrant labels. You can find full 4 quadrant coordinate planes, as well as just blank 1 quadrant coordinate planes in layouts setup for solving multiple homework problems on a single page.
Math worksheets are used by teachers, homeschoolers, and parents to teach math skills and to challenge students. Build lifelong math skills with these math worksheets. The weekly math worksheets are used by classrooms to provide mixed reviews in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division math facts through the use of math drills and word problems. Or, use the math worksheet generators to create on-demand math worksheets for your elementary, kindergarten, middle, or high school math classes. Extra math homework help is only a click away!
Teachers can create custom math worksheets with our on-demand worksheet generators. Perfect for your kindergarten, elementary, middle, or high school math classes. Extra math homework help is only a click away!
The routine and simple expectations around the Mathsquad Homework Program also makes the standard excuses for not doing homework redundant. Less excuses means greater participation, enabling students to reap the benefits of the program.
These sheets target the primary school maths skills that underpin success in high school. Ideal for supporting transition from Grade 6 to Year 7 and also for numeracy intervention. Click the hyperlinked text to download a sample sheet or click below to download the full student workbook containing 40 worksheets and their solutions.
Q. Do the skills in the program align with the Victorian Curriculum? A. Across the three levels, the skills within the homework sheets have been designed to cover the majority of the Year 7 and 8 curriculum and key prerequisite skills from earlier years. Click here for a full list of skills covered and their connections to the 2020 Victorian Curriculum Content Descriptors. Note that not all curriculum outcomes are covered in the homework program due to either suitability of question type and limitations of space.
Q. What is the easiest way to implement the homework program? A. Print one booklet per student, choose a homework due day and correct sheets as a class for immediate feedback. Click here for a printable implementation guide unpacking the steps in more detail.
Q. Are there other resources available to support students' learning of the skills within the homework? A. There are instructional videos and practice questions for each level of homework. These are found here.
Q. Do you plan to make the sheets electronic in future so they can be automatically marked? A. Personally, I think it is really important that students have practice completing mathematics by hand (with their hand being an extension of their brain) and having the opportunity to practice neat and appropriate working out where needed. I worry that making the sheets electronic will lose these benefits that are currently present with the hard copy homework system. Another worry is that using an online approach will result in a lower rate of homework completion as students have an additional excuse for not doing their homework if they have a flat battery or internet issues.
Q: How do we stop students just copying homework from their friends or getting help from a family member or tutor? A: At the start of the year I email all parents with the following information. It doesn't guarantee no copying, though encourages positive practices.
Some parents have asked for SATs practice papers that their children can work on over the next few weeks. This is an optional homework that children in both year 5 and 6 might find useful. If you have an concerns or questions about the papers, Mr Jackson is happy to help!
We cover nearly all major distinct math topics and have more than 64,000 printable worksheets, homework sheets, quizzes, tests, lessons and practice worksheets that are all aligned to the curriculum. Unlock 64,000+ of additional worksheets and answer keys by becoming a member. You can browse through our topics below:
A superb range of maths worksheets for secondary school children in year 11 (aged 15-16). Cazoom Maths is a trusted provider of maths worksheets for secondary school children. Our mathematics resources are perfect for use in the classroom or for additional home learning. Cazoom maths year 11 maths worksheets are the ideal resource for students in their final year of secondary school study. Our maths worksheets are used by over 20,000 teachers, parents and schools around the world and we are a Times Educational Supplement recommended resource for helping key stage 3 and key stage 4 students learn mathematics.
A fun and exciting maths task where students have to find who is the murderer by completing a series of algebra and numerical problems to eliminate the 10 suspects. Throughout the activity students have to justify why they are eliminating suspects bringing a strong element of literacy into the task.
The ability to read, write, and understand proofs is important for success in this course. If you haven't previously taken such a course, pay careful attention to comments on your homework, and make use of office hours to ask me questions.
Although there will certainly be some "computational" problems in the course, most of the homework involves writing proofs and/or detailed explanations. This means that there are often many correct answers. This also means that the clarity of exposition and the proper use of mathematical terminology are as vital to your solutions as having the correct idea. A major goal of this course is to learn how to express your mathematical ideas correctly and to write convincing detailed proofs. Do not be alarmed if your homework has many comments about how to improve (nobody starts out as an expert).
Actively read the course notes. Work to understand the arguments deeply. Set aside time to simply think about the material and how it fits together, in addition to the time you give yourself to work on the homework. Spend your time trying to internalize rather than memorize.
Very few homework problems can be solved by looking up a similar problem in the notes and making small adjustments. Relying on pattern matching and mimicry of past solutions will not lead to success. Problems require a lot of contemplative thought and individual focus, so you should start working on the homework very early.
When graded homework is returned, spend time reading the comments and reflecting on how you can improve your writing. Engaging with direct feedback on your work is one of the fastest ways to make progress. Also, read the posted solutions and compare them to your own. Examine and learn from how the solutions differ from yours in ideas, language, and organization.
Much of your learning will happen outside of class. Although the amount of time necessary to understand the material varies, most students should anticipate spending at least 12 hours a week devoted to the course. In other words, you should schedule at least 9 hours outside of class for homework and independent reading/thinking. Learning math requires practice, patience, and endurance.
Homework: If you enjoy working in groups, I strongly encourage you to work with others in the class to solve the homework problems. If you do collaborative work or receive help form somebody in the course, you must acknowledge this on the corresponding problem(s). Writing "I worked with Sam on this problem" or "Mary helped me with this problem" suffices. You may ask students outside the course for help, but you need to make sure they understand the academic honesty policies for the course and you need to cite their assistance as well. Failing to acknowledge such collaboration or assistance is a violation of academic honesty.
If you work with others, your homework must be written up independently in your own words. You can not write a communal solution and all copy it down. You can not read one person's solution and alter it slightly in notation/exposition. Discussing ideas and/or writing parts of computations together on whiteboards or scratch paper is perfectly fine, but you need to take those ideas and write the problem up on your own. Under no circumstances can you look at another student's completed written work.